Assessment Progress

In Supportable, a referral’s progress through the Assessment stage is tracked by an Assessment Progress record. Assessment Progress records are associated with a Referral Process Document and contain information about whether the Assessment stage has been completed and any Assessment Progress Items which were created in the stage. An Assessment Progress Item contains the scheduled date of an assessment, as well as information about whether the assessment was attended, rescheduled, a no-show, etc.

Sample Request #

HeadersAuthorization = Bearer [token]

Sample Response JSON #

Status: 200

  "id": "6399663f375b94cfdaedad74",
  "processDocumentId": "63996443375b94cfdaedad6e",
  "subEntityId": "6398b8a6904c0725a6e560f2",
  "isCompleted": true,
  "assessmentProgressItems": [
      "id": "1",
      "stageOutcome": {
        "id": "62823a2723dbf7efb7a0cee2",
        "name": "Attended"
      "assessmentDate": "2022-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
      "createdDate": "2022-12-14T05:59:27.753Z"

Notes on Values #

AttributeData TypeDescription
idstringThe unique identifier for the Assessment Progress record.
processDocumentIdstringThe unique identifier for the Referral Process Document with which the Assessment Progress record is associated.
subEntityIdstringThe unique identifier for the Sub-Entity with which the Assessment Progress record is associated.
isCompletedbooleanWhether the Assessment stage for the referral is completed at this time.
(Note: For the Assessment stage to be complete, there must be at least one Assessment Progress Item with an “Admitted” outcome)
assessmentProgressItemsarray of objectsAny Assessment Progress Items which have been added to the Assessment Progress record.
assessmentProgressItems.idstringThe unique identifier of the Assessment Progress Item. In this context, it also corresponds to the order in which the Assessment Progress Item was created.
assessmentProgressItems.stageOutcomeobjectThe outcome of the Assessment Progress Item, if any.
(Note: If the Assessment Progress Item is unresolved or incomplete, this value will be null)
assessmentProgressItems.stageOutcome.idstringThe unique identifier of the outcome.
assessmentProgressItems.stageOutcome.namestringThe name of the outcome.
assessmentProgressItems.assessmentDatedatetimeThe ISO datetime value, in UTC, at which the Assessment was requested by the intake team.
assessmentProgressItems.createdDatedatetimeThe ISO datetime value, in UTC, at which the Assessment Progress Item was created.