Table of Contents
HTTP Bearer Token is used (access token passed in via HTTP Authorization header).
Base URL:
Get Token #
Systems accessing the Supportable Data Export API will receive an API token that expires in 24 hours.
Each account accessing the Supportable Data Export API will have to provide a valid companyName and a valid companySecret in the headers of the request to receive a token.
Tokens can be passed into the API using bearer token authentication – each HTTP request includes an Authorization header that looks like this: Authorization: bearer [token]
Example #
companyName | DOBISResidential |
companySecret | YHstUk8lOXQgNHEqXGJ5YCx6U146L3xoLjJpZklYZkFTYjs7Ml9DU0ZMYCp1d2s8bl1ISzRdVH50aFRRPnB9ZG9OTg |
Sample Request #
GET -H "companyName: DOBISResidential" -H "companySecret: YHstUk8lOXQgNHEqXGJ5YCx6U146L3xoL jJpZklYZkFTYjs7Ml9DU0ZMYCp1d2s8bl1ISzRdVH50aFRRPnB9ZG9OTg"
Sample Response JSON #
{ "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxLz A0L3htbGRzaWctbW9yZSNobWFjLXNoYTUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHA iOjE2OTQ2MzA3MzAsImlzcyI6InN1cHBvcnRhYmxlRXh0ZXJuYWxBcGkiLCJhd WQiOiJPcHRpb25zTWlubmVzb3RhIn0.lwpxENTp86VqQSz2lXDhSDeTZqgheDy 8CcCz9hXeSaQNfg6wc3RHOpCRRctPOYZ-NoPq2BQBBoqW7En4lKgmDQ" }