Referral Document Status

Supportable maintains a global list of Referral Document Statuses which refer to the overall states of a Referral Process Document, such as In Process, Accepted, Rejected, etc.

Sample Request #

HeadersAuthorization = Bearer [token]

Sample Response JSON #

Status: 200

    "_id": "621c8ed62d1141e2a64df5a3",
    "name": "New",
    "status": true
    "_id": "621c8fd111ed7b97a661d584",
    "name": "In Process",
    "status": true
    "_id": "621c93a33b8ad1807b37962a",
    "name": "Accepted",
    "status": true
    "_id": "621c93a8490cb63f45c1c51a",
    "name": "Rejected",
    "status": true

Notes on Values #

AttributeData TypeDescription
idstringThe unique identifier of the Referral Document Status.
statusbooleanWhether the Referral Document Status is active in Supportable.
namenameThe name of the Referral Document Status as it appears in the application.