Table of Contents
A Sub-Entity in Supportable is a division of a Company. There will be one or more Sub-Entities in Supportable, all of which have a single Company as its parent. The schema for a Sub-Entity is very similar to the schema for a Company.
Sample Request #
Headers | Authorization = Bearer [token] |
Parameters | None |
Body | None |
Get details for all Sub-Entities #
Get details for a single Sub-Entity #
Sample Response JSON #
Status: 200
[ { "id": "631b78b3b85f7b84cd478b28", "status": true, "name": "DOBIS Residential", "shortName": "DR", "dba": "DOBIS Residential", "website": "", "address": { "address1": "123 Main Street", "address2": null, "city": "Hollywood", "state": { "_id": "CA", "name": "California" }, "zip": "902101111", "county": null }, "contacts": [ { "_id": "1", "name": "Daniel Gunderson", "email": "", "phone": "0987654321", "isPrimary": true }, { "_id": "1", "name": "Sarah Topps", "email": "", "phone": "1029384756", "isPrimary": true } ], "parentCompany": { "_id": "631b7745b85f7b84cd478b27", "status": true, "name": "DOBIS Worldwide" } }, . . . ]
Notes on Values #
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier for the Sub-Entity record. |
status | boolean | Indicates whether the Sub-Entity is current active in Supportable. |
name | string | The full legal name of the Sub-Entity. |
shortName | string | The shortened name of the Sub-Entity, used in some areas of the application to conserve space. |
dba | string | “Doing business as,” the name under which the Sub-Entity does business, if different from the legal name of the Sub-Entity. |
website | string | The URL for the Sub-Entity’s official website. |
address | object | The Sub-Entity’s primary address. |
address.address1 | string | The first line of the Sub-Entity’s address. |
address.address2 | string | The second line of the Sub-Entity’s address. | | string | The city component of the Sub-Entity’s address. |
address.state | object | The state component of the Sub-Entity’s address. | | string | The 2-letter state code. | | string | The full name of the state. | | string | The full 9-digit ZIP code (12345-0123) component of the Sub-Entity’s address. |
address.county | string | The county component of the Sub-Entity’s address. |
contacts | array of objects | The contacts through which representatives of Supportable may reach the Sub-Entity. | | string | The unique identifier for the Sub-Entity contact. | | string | The name of the contact. | | string | The contact’s email address. | | string | The primary phone number for the contact. |
contacts.isPrimary | boolean | Whether this is the primary contact for the Sub-Entity. (Note: A Sub-Entity may have only one primary contact at a time). |
parentCompany | object | The parent Company of the Sub-Entity. | | string | The unique identifier for the Company. | | string | The name of the Company. |
parentCompany.status | boolean | Whether the Company is active in Supportable. |