
A Sub-Entity in Supportable is a division of a Company. There will be one or more Sub-Entities in Supportable, all of which have a single Company as its parent. The schema for a Sub-Entity is very similar to the schema for a Company.

Sample Request #

HeadersAuthorization = Bearer [token]

Get details for all Sub-Entities #


Get details for a single Sub-Entity #


Sample Response JSON #

Status: 200

    "id": "631b78b3b85f7b84cd478b28",
    "status": true,
    "name": "DOBIS Residential",
    "shortName": "DR",
    "dba": "DOBIS Residential",
    "website": "",
    "address": {
      "address1": "123 Main Street",
      "address2": null,
      "city": "Hollywood",
      "state": {
        "_id": "CA",
        "name": "California"
      "zip": "902101111",
      "county": null
    "contacts": [
        "_id": "1",
        "name": "Daniel Gunderson",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "0987654321",
        "isPrimary": true
        "_id": "1",
        "name": "Sarah Topps",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "1029384756",
        "isPrimary": true
    "parentCompany": {
      "_id": "631b7745b85f7b84cd478b27",
      "status": true,
      "name": "DOBIS Worldwide"
  . . .

Notes on Values #

Attribute Data Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the Sub-Entity record.
status boolean Indicates whether the Sub-Entity is current active in Supportable.
name string The full legal name of the Sub-Entity.
shortName string The shortened name of the Sub-Entity, used in some areas of the application to conserve space.
dba string “Doing business as,” the name under which the Sub-Entity does business, if different from the legal name of the Sub-Entity.
website string The URL for the Sub-Entity’s official website.
address object The Sub-Entity’s primary address.
address.address1 string The first line of the Sub-Entity’s address.
address.address2 string The second line of the Sub-Entity’s address. string The city component of the Sub-Entity’s address.
address.state object The state component of the Sub-Entity’s address. string The 2-letter state code. string The full name of the state. string The full 9-digit ZIP code (12345-0123) component of the Sub-Entity’s address.
address.county string The county component of the Sub-Entity’s address.
contacts array of objects The contacts through which representatives of Supportable may reach the Sub-Entity. string The unique identifier for the Sub-Entity contact. string The name of the contact. string The contact’s email address. string The primary phone number for the contact.
contacts.isPrimary boolean Whether this is the primary contact for the Sub-Entity.
(Note: A Sub-Entity may have only one primary contact at a time).
parentCompany object The parent Company of the Sub-Entity. string The unique identifier for the Company. string The name of the Company.
parentCompany.status boolean Whether the Company is active in Supportable.